Value To Schools

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What Value Will The DO Bring To Schools With Underrepresented Populations?  

1. We address a pressing national issue  

National data shows that low-income and minority students have high representation in low-paying college majors and careers. This translates to a continuous cycle of economic disparity.

2. We are close to the students age and background 

We host events that students can relate to, are substantive, and provides eye-opening information. Middle, High School and University students appreciate that WE ARE THEM. 

3. Our program incentivizes students to perform better academically 

93% of students report that workshops with The Diversity Org motivate them to perform better academically based on their understanding of the companies they can work for.

5.We have a successful track record 

We are in partnership with several schools, universities, and multi-billion dollar companies in 22 states in the USA, the UK, Canada, India, and the Philippines.

4. Students are eligible to receive credit for participation in our program

Our program is eligible for required career development, community service, or equivalent credit in many school districts and communities globally.

What Value Will The DO Bring To General Schools?  

The Need

Globally, social issues and movements have been more prominent than ever.

Students are curious about social issues and often, high schools are not equipped with the tools and diversity training to effectively educate students about these matters. Therefore, we educate students about these matters so they can understand how they can play a role in actively creating more equal and united social environments.

Our Solution

Students Will Be Educated On:

  1. Social Psychology: We teach students about social psychology so that they can understand their biases and how to break them to actively create more equality.

  2. History: Students will obtain a historically accurate understanding of race and gender inequality, which will help them better understand the past (history) and how it has translated to our present.

What Will Students Takeaway?

  1. An Understanding Of The Benefits of Diverse Communities: We educate students on the benefit of diversity so that they value and strive for inclusion.

  2. Tools To Combat Social Issues: We equip students with the tools necessary to move beyond racially and gender-motivated behaviors, challenge their biases and help them actively prioritize creating equality.